Calendar of Vodoun Ceremonies
Note: this calendar should be taken as a general calendar of vodoun
ceremonies. Keep in mind that different hounforts in different geographical
regions may vary widely in their practices of vodoun, including when
they acknowledge certain ceremonies. Do not expect these dates to remain
constant wherever you encounter vodoun.
- 2, 3, 4
- Breaking the cakes (casé gâteaux), a communal form of
mangé loa
- 6
- Les Rois (the kings)
- 25
- Ritual feeding of the springs (manger têtes d'l'eau)
- 16
- Loko Davi--eating of the ritual
wood and of its guard
- 19
- Saint Joseph--expression of the jurisdiction of Legba
- 20
- Legba Zaou--eating consists mainly
of a black goat
- 27
- Dan Wédo
- 29
- Breaking the jugs (cassé
canarie)--deliverance of the souls from purgatory
- 31
- Feeding the dead (mangé-les-morts)
- 12
- Feeding of different loa
- 18
- Feeding of Grande Aloumandia
- 20, 21
- Sim'bi blanc
- 30
- Sung masses (chanté-messes) in the Roman-Catholic church
- 24
- Saint John
- 28
- M'sieu Guimeh Sauveur; Mystère Grande Délai; common table served for
Maîtresse Erzulie,
Maîtresse Ténaise and Maîtresse Mam'bo
- 25
- Papa Ogou or St. James the
Greater--sheep and goats are offered
- 26
- Common table for Grande Saint Anne, also known as Mystère
Grande Délai and Grande Aloumandia
- 29
- Maîtresse Silvérine (who only very slightly tastes of
the food offered to her) and Maîtresse Lorvana (who smells flowers
for her nourishment)
- 25
- Communion table for Dan Wédo,
also known as Saint Louis or the King of France
- 29
- L'Orient, one of the most important mystères
- 30, 31
- Agwé--offerings of goats,
peppers and peppermints
- 25
- Roi Wangol and Mousondi
- 29
- Manman Aloumandia
- 30
- Maîtresse Délai
- 30, 31
- Masses sung in the Roman-Catholic church; communion table and
Martinique dance; armchair ritually covered with 30 or 40 scarves of
different colors, exposed to the peristyle and "served".
- 1, 2
- The Guedé loa come out of the cemeteries, possess
their horses, and come into the hounforts to amuse themselves in the
forms of souls incarnated or reincarnated.
- 25
- Eating the yams (manger-yam)
- 10
- Ganga-Bois
- 12, 13, 14
- Feeding the sea (agoueh r oyo)
- 25
- Bath of Christmas; leaf-rubbing for medical treatments and talismans
for magic protection; ritual sacrifices of pigs and goats; boucans for amusement, to which the loa come to bathe themselves and their
protégés; sacrifice of turkeys for Caplaou

Copyright 1995 Shannon
Turlington Settle disclaimer
revised 9/27/95